List 21 – TOP 5 Good ways to spend free time

My friends usually see me as a busy girl, and indeed, I don’t know why I always try to make myself busy. I have just figured out and it gave me a depression at the moment: I was trying to run from myself and the fact that I don’t know what to do with my life or which direction to focus on.

I have a tight calendar, after Friday is another Monday to me. Yet to be honest, I still have dead time in the day for stupid things like surfing the Internet or watching dramas! However, if there is a better version of me, maybe she should have been:

  1. Reading. Yes, please, there are still a dozen of books on the book shelf that I haven’t read. Not to mention, all of the books I have read are faded in my mind already.
  2. Cooking or cleaning. A girl should have been married, take care of the house and cook meals for her family by my age. However, it is a life-saving skill, which I should be good at so as to have a comfortable life living by myself in the future.
  3. Taking exercises. With a tight working schedule, I have been torturing myself. I often sleep at 1 AM the next day, and it costs me my health. Exercise, like yoga, is a temporary medicine for it. So why not taking some more yoga or swimming or jogging when there is some free time?
  4. Hanging out or socializing. So that, I can step outside the house, learn some helpful things of other people, and open up the connections.
  5. Arts. I would love to do so, not for the purpose of become famous, but for our mind. It costs our time, energy and attention, which is indeed relaxing.


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