List 27 – Body parts of your own that you usually pay attention to

  1. General face and eyes. Of course! The face, it gives others the first impression, it shows the feeling signals, it is right in our eyesight, it is the reason for so many female cosmetic, etc. Whereas, the eyes are windows to our soul, and they are attract their species, they are eye-catching! I have always fallen in love with my crushes’s eyes – “drink one shot of eye sight and be drunk for the rest of the life”.
  2. Hair. They are everywhere! I have weak hair, they feel off every time I touch, broom or smooth them, one or even few of them. Moreover, hair is also something on top of our head, it can help to change the whole view
  3. Thigh and calf. Those are the two biggest and heaviest part of my body, which I can visibly and dramatically see and feel when sitting on the toilet bowl and during the yoga classes. These are the parts I want to change the most, I want them to be slimmer and fitter!
  4. Belly. It should not be to fatty. One of silly thing I usually do when taking the shower is measuring my belly with both hands, whether it contains a lot of redundant fat. Belly is the first visible part that alert me about my weight change.
  5. Foot. There is a scar that attract my sight. It catches my eyes whenever I look down to my feet, especially during my yoga classes, then it reminds me about the accidents and the surgery pain. However, I haven’t changed a thing, riding a motorbike at a crazy speed and ignoring the skin care steps.
  6. Teeth and lips. They seems to be the best part in my body despite not being perfect. Smile is contagious. Looking at you smiling in the mirror can boost the mood, and distract you from other unattractive parts! My basic makeup only includes lipstick, which is also covered by the mask though.
  7. Wrist. It seems to be small for a chubby girl like me. Hand wrist can be an attractive body part just like the shoulders. Perhaps, that is also the reason why people where jewelries and accessories at those points: necklaces, chains, watches, etc. I don’t like jewelries, yet I enjoy the outfit with a watch, and I am glad that my wrist is still not to bad-looking even with or without one.

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