List 30 – TOP 5 plans for next month

  1. Finish what is being left off in August: grant proposal, grant application, Youtube research, online courses, posts about book review, 2 more books to read, DIY coloring
  2. Change habits for a healthy and balanced life: combine with new posting for better commitment.
  3. Make time for the scheduled calendar and reject any unnecessary tasks: 3 part-time jobs and 2 classes!
  4. Continue self-development progress: Spanish online Duolingo classes, web designing course, yoga classes, English advanced communication classes
  5. New posting topic: Ways to implement new habits. And those habits that I need to create from September to the end of the year and beyond are as follows. Good luck to me! 
    • wake up no later than 7AM
    • 0 music during bathroom time
    • 0 glance at digital devices during meals
    • chew at least 20 times before swallowing
    • 0 sweet drink
    • 0 swearing or bad words or racist words
    • prepare at least 1 meal for the family per week
    • always have vegetables in at least 1 meal per day, lunch and/or dinner
    • less than 3 hours per day with music on
    • lengthen the fasting time (no-eating time) to 14hrs
    • maximum 2 unit of snack per day
    • sweep the bedroom at least once every 3 days
    • wash the clothes, no matter little or a lot, once every 3 days
    • use the essential oils at least 1 per day to expel the lizards
    • 1 book per week
    • 2 different good pictures and/or videos per week
    • no more than 1 back pain due to wrong pose per week
    • go out for entertainment at least 1 time per week
    • remember at least 5 new parents per week
    • arrive at place 5 minutes earlier
    • check entertainment or “Making-money-online” only once per day per application
    • ride at the speed of 50 km/h maximum in the city
    • have dinner before 5:30 PM
    • 1 attire being ironed a day before
    • 5 to-do things the night before
    • spend at least 15 minutes per day for online course
    • watch less than 2-hour of movies and movie review per day
    • skin care daily, 1 per day, or every other day, 1 every 2 day
    • 0 screen touch 15 minutes prior to bed time
    • go to bed to sleep by 11:15 PM

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