[Book review] When Breath Becomes Air – Paul Kalanithi

When breath becomes air Type: Autobiography Personal favorite score: 3/10 Personal opinion: Lots of medical terms and very sorrowful. Personal learning point: Hard job as a medical staff + Unexpected events in life: from a surgeon to a patient. Personal leading situation: It is very well-known book and the title is attractive. Review: I delayed writing the review for this book for a very long time that I don’t remember about it much. It brought depression to me as it is the story and thoughts of a talented person with a lot of ambitions in life going through an unexpected tragedy, having a lung cancer. I don’t think I have found any clear answer for the question embedded in the book cover “What makes life worth living in the face of death?” though. Maybe, since it is not an easy book to read, the feelings it brings may vary for different people.

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